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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Our love has actually decreased rather than increased,

"Try your best to be there for your partner by letting them know that you notice things and care."

Sometimes, we find ourselves becoming so accustomed to our dearest loved one that we tend to show less concern for even some of the simplest things that our partner may be personally going through. We tell ourselves, they'll get over it, and have the awful human habit of often intermingling our own feelings into the situation, when the focus should be primarily on them at the moment. When they're upset or frustrated, and in our own minds, we already have one million and one other things floating around; bills, work, feuding relatives, jealous friends, annoying co-workers, promotions, our kids, life period; we carelessly shrug our shoulders and tell ourselves, life goes on, get over it, when in the beginning of the relationship, our partners concerns were a number one priority!

1 year or 7 years later, we demonstrate more un-concern than we do anything else------like the value of our love has actually decreased rather than increased, which makes no sense. It's really simple---men and women, care for your loved one like you would yourself. Understand that even though they may seem as if they are taking out their frusrations on you, they might be seriously going through something that you actually have the ability to make them feel better about. Don't make it worse.

Just remember this, you don't fight fire with more fire, the fire just grows, incredibly. You won't ever conqueor hate with more extreme amounts of hate, you'll eventually just go insane. You surely don't show your loved one you care by telling them, you don't care, that's just relationship- negligence to the 10th degree. So, notice the things that are atypical to your loved ones positive nature---- and when they seem down, it's okay, show them some love! Let them know you care-----If you wait too long, it just may be too late for you to even try and make the attempt. Try your best to be there for your partner by letting them know that you notice things and care, they will appreciate you and your passionate efforts! - D&C

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