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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Forgive me. I have lied and cheated.

I Lied to you made you a promise and I did not keep it, and for that, I am sorry. Years ago, when we first met, I exposed all of my deepest feelings for you, and for so long, it was only you and I. We were like best friends and nothing in the world could ever separate us. I remember staying up through the long night in silence; you never complained, even when I wet you with my salty tears. It was on one of those lonesome nights that I made a solemn promise to you. I vowed that I would forever keep you by my side. Strangers could only see you as an old notebook with easily torn pages; some full, some empty, but it didn’t matter. In my world, you became so much more. It was as if you and I had bonded into one, never to be a part.
I thought we would be together forever…until I met this new shiny laptop. It saddens me to say that ever since, you and I have only grown further and further apart. I have severely neglected you. I can clearly remember our last day together, you gave me a paper cut right before I threw you in a dark, cold, crowded closet. The cut annoyed me, but I now know that you were only desperately trying to get my attention. I’m sorry I did not listen, and I’m even more sorry that I lied to you. I am stuck with no electricity now and I really need someone to talk to! After the lights went out, the laptop refused to stick around for longer than an hour. I need you now, Notebook! Please, come out of the closet and give me one last chance to love you, yet again. Please, tell me we are still friends.  

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